Financial Donation

donate to one at a time

One At A Time can use financial donations to help with many of the needs in running the ministry. A few of those needs are:

  • Rent for worship services and Bible studies
  • Meals for church members for Sunday worship
  • Maintenance for the ministry van
  • Miscellaneous items needed by the homeless
  • Bibles for church members and homeless
  • If you would like to donate an amount of money, donations can be made online through Paypal.

    Donate Bible

    one at a time bibles

    If you would like to donate a Bible to One At A Time to be distributed to one of the church members or homeless, you can make your donation by purchasing a Bible or Bibles using this link on Amazon. You can have the item shipped to the following address:

    One At A Time
    1007 Village Sq
    Fillmore Ca, 93015

    Donate Socks

    one at a time donate socks

    Clothing is always a need for the homeless in downtown Los Angeles. At this time though because of storage limitations, we are asking that clothing items be limited to mostly regular socks.

    Socks are the most needed clothing item. If you wish to make a donation of socks for the homeless, or another clothing item, please contact us in advance so we can make arrangements, and let you know where to leave your donation.


    prayer for one at a time

    Prayer support is essential for One At A Time ministry. If you would like some specific things that we need prayer for, please contact us and we can let you know what we need prayer for at the current time.